Monday, October 31, 2011

Home is Where the Art Is.

And there's my first blogged pun out of the way!

My friend, let's call her The Doc, is a fantastic gift giver. Despite us favouring different design ideas (she's a total retro girl), she unerringly picks presents for me which I always love.

Although we've caught up several times since our respective birthdays, we'd not yet gotten around to doing the gift swap, so when she dropped by on Sunday to come with me to see "The Help" we did the deed.

I gave her a bag of little gifts which I've been periodically adding to when I find something that will tickle her fancy (or her funny bone). The piece de resistance, of course, was a photo by a local artist of a wall of graffiti which stated "EIGHTIES POP SUCKED THE FIRST TIME ROUND." So very The Doc.

And this picture is my present from The Doc. She said that while this girl distressingly appears to have no face (she was nice enough to point out that I in fact do have one, good news!), it still reminded her of me. And she's spot on - it does seem to show me in one of my quieter moments, lost in a book.

At the rate we're going, all of my favourite pieces of art in this apartment will have been gifted to me from her. Not a bad way to go about this whole interior design thing, really!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Lone Wolf.

A friend of mine (self-proclaimed as "The Greatest"), sick of me bitching about never having anyone to go out with, suggested* I follow his lead and do a 'lone wolf'.

I'm quite happy to go to the movies and to dinner by myself, but I wasn't overly thrilled at the idea of going into full blown prowl mode on my lonesome.

But hey, I'm open to suggestion* so here I sit, at The Greatest's local. I suppose it probably would have been a better venture had I headed somewhere the average age of the men wasn't closer to my dad's than mine.

So not a totally unreasonable idea, but needs work.

* The Greatest's idea of a 'suggestion' is essentially daring me by saying he knows I wouldn't have the lady balls to go through with it. My own fault for being so damn predictable/competitive!