Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Non-Apology Apology.

When I was younger writing in my innumerable diaries, I always used to come back with a big apology: "Sorry for not having written for so long".

I'm not sure what it was that made me do that - a remarkable sense of guilt perhaps, or an apology to my little sister who used was my readership, who breached my cunning 'hair placed across the top of the diary' defense to read riveting accounts of how I'd argued with said little sister, or about how the current boy my eight year old self had a mad crush on had looked at me across a crowded grade three classroom?

Perhaps a strange feeling of responsibility, of needing to finish what one starts.

Whatever it was, I'd apologise.

I can't deny that there are some small pieces of that little girl remain.


No apologies this time.

Just - I'm back in my quiet little corner of the blogosphere, this small space that is mine alone. It's nice to be here!